The Tina Topix

Below you'll find my blog entries by label in series format including:

Feast--usually a sample of film or TV commentary
Glove--thoughts of peeling off the "glove" of overconsumptiveness & addiction
Innocence--of guilty pleasures, "silly" interests to shock and fascinate you
Portfolio Soul/Portfolio Song--showing the profound power of diversity in artistic/spiritual influence
Poem/Lyric--creative snippets from the psyche
Alone--not in any series, just "stand-alone" entries detailing a few more adventures

So check 'em all out, and PLEASE...leave your comments and make your mark! I'm so glad you stopped by today, and happy blog-browsing!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Spaghetti For Breakfast Indeed

Did you know that you really are allowed to consume spaghetti for breakfast? And did you know that there are numerous principles in life generally accepted as "the way you're supposed to do things" that in fact, are just crying out for reinvention, renovation, reinvigoration? That's what the "spaghetti for breakfast" principle means to me, knowing that life is a journey from A to B, and absolutely everything in-between is negotiable. Every single day is a condensed version of the same thing, A to B, sun-up to sundown, and all that lies therein is a clean slate ready for a new daily masterpiece of life design.

I think because I am of mixed racial origin, this is something that comes easier to me, because in a way it is inherent in my code. I've always been a bit more able to embrace paradox and strange combinations because I myself am just that, a strange combination. We all are, but very quickly get assimilated in life to "the way you're supposed to do things" and even more so, "the way you're supposed to BE things". Today it's a miracle that something which has caused me so many growing pains in the past, my "mutt" heritage, has been the source of my greatest blessings of insight, openness, and adaptability.

It's amazing to note that I now share this precious principle with someone very special, the new leader of the free world, President Barack Obama. Much has been made (and rightfully so) of having an African-American President leading us. But in reality, he is also of "mutt" heritage, recently grieving the loss of his Caucasian grandmother (which I am also doing--mine passed away this past month, too, though instead of Hawaii, we grieved in the little Alaska known as Fenton, Iowa). Though I don't agree with him on everything, I am proud to have had the chance to cast my vote for someone who has obvious eaten a little spaghetti for breakfast in his life. Since that amazing moment at the Kerry convention when his star was born, and then throughout his campaign until now, he has consistently shown me that he gets it--he comprehends the whole spaghetti for breakfast thing. Rick Warren and Dianne Feinstein onstage at the inaugural together--beautiful. That's only the first of many more examples to come where I believe we will see the power of strange combinations come to life for us in our government and in our culture.

So on that note, I pray that we will all see that same power unleashed in our lives a little closer to home. Amen--not bad for my first time back in blogland. Enjoy your spaghetti for breakfast, and pancakes with scrambled eggs for supper, too! Comments welcomed...