The Tina Topix

Below you'll find my blog entries by label in series format including:

Feast--usually a sample of film or TV commentary
Glove--thoughts of peeling off the "glove" of overconsumptiveness & addiction
Innocence--of guilty pleasures, "silly" interests to shock and fascinate you
Portfolio Soul/Portfolio Song--showing the profound power of diversity in artistic/spiritual influence
Poem/Lyric--creative snippets from the psyche
Alone--not in any series, just "stand-alone" entries detailing a few more adventures

So check 'em all out, and PLEASE...leave your comments and make your mark! I'm so glad you stopped by today, and happy blog-browsing!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Ripping the glove off--reprogramming!

It's Oprah would say, "I get it, people!" Sugar, caffeine, white flour, all the satan substances, are steadily on the culinary decline in the Findlay diet. We are feeling better all the time, yet still are in the throes of reprogramming ourselves out of "the food matrix" once and for all. We are learning that so much of what is shoved into our faces via marketing is so harmful, and far below the optimum for food consumption. For me, as I gain in knowledge about food, health, and especially world hunger, it is becoming easier to eat less and stop the insanity. I've gotten out my old Susan Powter books, as well as Suzanne Somers, Stormie Omartian--Greater Health God's Way, even my old Weigh Down stuff. It's a blast to extract the nuggets of wisdom that click with me, and increasingly apply them consistently to my daily relationship with food. If I can evolve from a daily 44-ouncer at 2 pm to an unflavored pure water bottle at my side, you can, too! I see and feel the difference in my moods, my skin, my energy level, my clothes, in so many ways. Now I'm fixin' to add some sort of exercise regimen to the schedule, and future entries will track the progress of this former fast-pitch windmill and slingshot softball pitcher.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Portfolio Soul

Once again, it's time for a glimpse of the diverse sources I've recently been calling upon in the formation of my "frame of life reference" mentally and spiritually, so savor the proceeding wackness:

1. Paula White/televangelist and inspirational speaker - Yes, I think she's a bit crooked financially and I hope Senator Grassley calls her to the carpet in that area. But I am captivated by her enthusiasm and dynamic charisma. I don't think discussion of spiritual things needs to be boring and irrelevant. Her speaking always peps me up and makes me smile. Sometimes, that is precisely what is needed to propel me through the day.

2. Marianne Williamson/New Age guru of "Course of Miracles" fame - Yes, I think she's a bit crooked in a few nutjob beliefs from "the course". But lately I find myself in surprising agreement with a heckuva lot of her stuff. Ten years ago, I would have held her opinions at bay based on narrow-minded labeling. Thank goodness I've grown enough to be open to viewpoints from sources not so obviously lifted from the evangelical assembly line.

3. The Shack/recent bestselling spiritual fable - Anyone who knows me knows I'm not much of a fiction person, but this work has intrigued me greatly and I highly recommend it for those looking for a fresh view of God which is, again, not cut from the same old Christianese cloth.

What's in your soul portfolio these days?